domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

Neighborhood, International mail art project

O alumnado do tallerdepolo leva participado en varias convocatorias de arte postal, dende Roses of the world -de Sabela Bañas-, Las Meninas de Canido -en Ferrol-, Jail art -apoiando ao Proxecto Cárcere- , The Tower of Babel (The Netherlands) e a última A beira de, a ribeira, de Manoel Bonabal. Todas estas aventuras mail-artísticas leváronnos a crear, coa colaboración e axuda do mail-atista Carlos Botana, unha convocatoria propia de Arte Postal: “barrio

Nace o proxecto internacional de arte postal “barrio”/”neighborhood”, querendo conectar o barrio de Os Castros con outros mundos, con outros barrios e artistas de calquera lugar/territorio. A arte postal permítenos esta conexión, permite a liberdade de fluír arte e creación sen xuízos, sen mercado e reflexionando de maneira diversa sobre o tema proposto. Neste caso o barrio, a construción dende e do barrio, do espazo social-urbano do cotiá. Como vemos o noso barrio? Como o construímos? Como o queremos? Etc.
A nosa convocatoria leva a dinámica do mail-art ao barrio de Os Castros, a través de obradoiros de arte postal ( dende aquí facemos a proposta de colaboración con outros barrios da cidade ou cidades) asi como, a exposición das obras recibidas, que terá lugar no Taller Aberto(tallerdepolo ou outro espazo do barrio) no mes de Decembro. Tamén as poderedes ir vendo no blog

Estades invitadxs a participar, a colaborar ou deixarvos enredar en calquera das actividades que iran xurdindo a raíz desta proposta de mail-art, “barrio”/”neighborhood”.

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The students of tallerdepolos ’workshop have participated in several art postings. For example, “Roses of the world” (Sabela Bañas), “Las Meninas de Canido” (Ferrol), “Jail art” as part of the Jail Project (Proxecto Cárcere) at A Coruña, “The Tower of Babel” (The Netherlands) and “A beira de, a ribeira” (Manoel Bonabal). With this background we have been involved in mail-art adventures.

Now, we are promoting the mail art project “Neighborhood” in collaboration with the mail-artist Carlos Botana. The main objective of the International Mail Art Project "barrio" / "neighborhood" is to connect the neighborhood Os Castros (,_A_Coru%C3%B1a) with other localities around the world. We are looking for artists from any place that want to share their works with us through the art mail experience. We understand that Mail Art allows us to connect and to create in a freeway without judgments or consumerism.

Then, we have the opportunity to reflect about the diversity on the subject proposed. Then, we are looking to share with diverse artistic approaches the constructions of social urban spaces in the everyday live of the ordinary people. How do we imagine our neighborhood? How do we build it? How do we want it?

The works received will be presented in an Open Exhibition at the tallerdepolo on december of 2018 and in the blog
You are invited to participate, collaborate or let yourself be entangled in any of the activities that will arise as a result of this proposal of mail art, "barrio" / "neighborhood".

For more information or details you can visit the blog
or in this

Or you can mail us to:

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